The quality of your marketing strategy matters. Entrust us with the management of your digital communications, online publications and social media.

Powered by Drupal, the collaborative blog was launched in August 2004 and remains active to this day, thanks to software upgrades spanning many versions of Drupal (from 4.6 to 7) and a major graphic overhaul by Zupton in 2015.

Freelance translation work, interspersed with a 3-month salaried position as a replacement webmaster.

Social media editing for a biotechnology company located in Montreal. Publication of English, French and Spanish posts under the supervision of the Operations Director. Management of the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube platforms.

Temporary management of the International, Travel and Sports sections of the web portal (including the Vancouver 2010 and 2010 FIFA World Cup sections and the live-tweeting of sporting events). Research, writing and publishing of syndicated news graphics.